Tuesday, October 21, 2008

RISTEK - Kalbe Science Awards 2008 : The Finalists

Indonesia is one nation that is abundant in its nature wealth. Many flora and fauna have been traditionally used for health care to treat various health disorder / disease in the its population. Unfortunately, although there have been already so many research done, there are still lack of effort in coordinating the research activities to make the potential become reality.
Kalbe.co.id - Meanwhile, research on medicinal plants from Indonesian origin and other advanced & applicable medical research for Indonesian people are mostly done by scientists from outside Indonesia. On the other side, there are so many potential Indonesian scientists having plenty of intellectual resources, including in medical research field. However, many of the Indonesian scientists often carried out the research that was for academic purpose only. Once they have obtained a degree, the research results are stored neatly in a table or cabinet.

To overcome the gap between the scientists and the industries (in this case, the pharmaceutical industry), the State Ministry of Research and Technolgy Republic of Indonesia (RISTEK) co-operates with the biggest pharmaceutical company in South-East Asian, Kalbe Farma, held the award for the scientists . It's called Ristek-Kalbe Science Awards 2008.

This competition is looking for results of the medical related research in the field of:

  • pharmaceutical raw materials obtained by applying phytochemistry, biotechnolgy, and medicinal chemistry
  • pharmaceutical dosage forms by applying pharmaceutical technology
  • medical diagnostics
  • health food

There are two (2) categories for these awards:

  1. Young Scientist Awards, seeking for one (1) awardee (winner) with IDR 50,000,000 prize
  2. Best Research Awards, seeking for three (3) awardees with IDR 50,000,000, 30,000,000 and 15,000,000 prizes

The interest of researcher was high, reflected by hundreds of papers that have been submitted.

Below is the finalist from the 2 categories (in alphabetical order) :

10 Best Research finalists :

  • Akhmad Kharis Nugroho, M.Si., Apt - Bagian Farmasetika Fakultas Farmasi UGM
  • Agus Zainal Arifin, S.Kom., M.Kom - Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November, Surabaya
  • Arief Budi Witarto - Puslit Bioteknologi LIPI Cibinong
  • Heni Rachmawati, Apt., M.Si - Sekolah Farmasi ITB
  • Khie Khiong, S.Si., M.Si., M.Pharm. Sc., Ph.D - Divisi Imunologi Puslit Ilmu Kedokteran (PPIK), FK Maranatha
  • Maggy Thenawidjaja Suhartono, Prof. - Institut Pertanian Bogor
  • Maria Immaculata Iwo, M.Si., Apt. - Sekolah Farmasi ITB
  • Ronny Martien, Dr.rer.nat., M.Si - Fakultas Farmasi, Universitas Gadjah Mada
  • Sukmadjaja Asyarie, Dr. - Sekolah Farmasi ITB
  • Sunu Budhi Rahardjo, dr. Ph. D - Divisi Litbang PJN Harapan Kita

5 Young Scientist finalists :

  • Akhmad Kharis Nugroho Dr., M.Si Apt. - Fakultas Farmasi UGM
  • Heni Rachmawati, Dr. Apt., M.Si - Sekolah Farmasi ITB
  • I. Sahidin, Dr. M.Si - Jurusan Kimia, Fakultas MIPA Universitas Haluoleo
  • Supangat dr. M. Kes Ph.D - Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Jember
  • Tri Agus Siswoyo, M. Agr., Ph.D - Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Jember


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