Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Announcement Of Resolution Of Extraordinary General Meeting Of Shareholders PT KALBE FARMA Tbk. (“Company”)

It is hereby announced to all shareholders of PT Kalbe Farma Tbk. (hereafter referred to as “the Company”), that the Company’s Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (EGMS) held on Wednesday, 17 September 2008 was declared to be legally authorized to make decision as the EGMS was attended by shareholders representing at least 2/3 (two thirds) of the total shares with lawful voting rights and approved by at least 2/3 (two third) of the total votes lawfully cast at the meeting.

EGMS has adapted resolutions which are mainly as follows:

1. Resolved to approve that the Company shall execute Shares Buy Back Phase II on the terms and conditions as follows.

a.the Shares Buy Back Phase II shall be implemented by the Company after the date of EGMS and shall be executed from time to time in 18 (eighteen) months starting from the date from the date of EGMS;

b.the total number of shares to be repurchased shall not exceed 5,1 % of the total number of shares issued by the Company up to the date of EGMS, or a maximum of 518.339.442 shares of the total number of shares issued and fully paid by the Company, or a total of shares;

c.the funds for executing repurchasing shares (inclusive of transaction costs, broker fees, and other expenses related to the Shares Buy Back Phase II) shall be charged against the Company’s unappropriated retained earnings, provided that the fund shall not exceed Rp. 419.855.000.000,00 including all expenses in connection with preparation of the Company’s Shares Buy Back Program; and

d.the Shares Buy Back Phase II shall be executed on the terms and conditions and according to the procedures publised in :

i.“Information to Shareholders in Relation to the Proposed Plan To Conduct a Second Buy Back of Shares of PT Kalbe Farma Tbk.” announced in advertisements in daily newspapers Bisnis Indonesia and Investor Daily Indonesia, all dated 15 August 2008 and 15 September 2008 as previously disclosed above; also

ii. The provisions of the prevailing statutory regulations. Repurchased shares shall be treated as the treasury stocks and might be sold if the price has increased in such a manner that upon the Company’s consideration it shall bring gain to the Company and shall not be resold to the Company’s employees under ESOP and/or MSOP program. ratify and approve the appointment of institution and supporting professionals which have been appointed by the Company in connection with the Shares Buy Back Phase II, including the appointment of PT. Danareksa Sekuritas to act as the Security Trading Broker in the execution of shares repurchasing in the stock market.

2. Resolved to grant authority to the Company’s Board of Director to take all and any actions whatsoever required by of the prevailing statutory regulations, including but not limited to:
i.determine the purchase price of shares buy back; and
ii.determine the selling price of the repurchased shares.


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