Promag Double Action works in two-way approach in gastric management. It is the first OTC combine drug in Indonesia, Antacid and Acid Blocker.
In the picture taken after the press conference, from left to right: Rully Prasetyanto (Product Executive), Sinteisa Sunarjo (Group Product Manager), Eliana Taufik (Internist), Mayong Laksono (Moderator), Djoni Hartono (Assistant Director OTC).
According to Eliana, an internist, gastric pains in medical terms is called Dyspepsia Syndrome. Its symptoms are: pain, nausea and even vomiting.
The causes can be divided into two:
- Organic such as: the presence of stomach ulcer, etc
- Functional such as: the increase of stomach acid and stomach sensitivity even though the stomach acid remains unchanged, etc.
Up to the moment, the circulating Over The Counter drugs are antacids. The function of antacids is to neutralize stomach acid.
Promag Double Action
Promag Double Action works 2 ways, it neutralises and slows down the production of stomach acid or Antagonist H2.
The Submarine Analogy
According to Djoni Hartono, Assistant Director OTC PT Kalbe Farma Tbk, for an easier understanding, gastric pain can be compared with a leaking submarine. If the leakage is small, then it is enough to use a mop to clean the affected area just like using antacids, but if the leakage is getting larger then it needs to be patched, otherwise the submarine will be filled with water. Hence is the purpose of a medication that can suppress the production of stomach acid. The stomach acid suppressant works slowly (therefore it needs to be combined with the antacid that works instantly) but it can work up until 12 hours.
2 Chewable Tablets a Day
Because of Promag’s Double Action long working period, 2 chewable tablets in a day is enough. Unlike a couple of antacid tablets, that have to be consumed 3-4 times day, when the symptoms are quite bad.